The OverFile
The Story of the Spherit
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From: Chapter 20 The Amnesic Enemy
His sense of calmness now gone, Anen replied, “No, Spherit.
Just shift the emphasis to
the first syllable.”
“O…I see … An-en… Hmmmm…”
“Yes, you have it now, Spherit…” Anen replied in a halting manner.
Sensing that he had unnerved the pair with his closeness, and drawing back
again to a more
comfortable distance, the slightly glowing Spherit asked, “And what is C R
and S R? I mean what
do CR and SR mean?”
Relaxing somewhat again, Anen said, “CR is an abbreviation for Cybernetic
Robot, but CR is
a robot; he is an
SR, which is short for Synthetic Robot, is more a robot than an
“O…? Well, at least they know who and what they are. At the moment I am not
quite as
Just then a wind gust took the Spherit by surprise and he was blown
backward away from the
pair briefly until he slightly altered his form into a disk format, regained
flight control, and then
quickly settled again before them as a paling, spheroid form. Anen and CR
were amazed as they
watched this rapid transformation from spheroid to partial disk form, and
then back again to a
slight swirl of waning coloration in the air before them.
Lest he suddenly lose this unique opportunity, Anen continued without
hesitation to pursue the Spherit’s
newfound interest in himself.
invisibility…your amazing intellect…not knowing why you are here… The fact
that we register you as
All of these things have us very nervous about your intentions.”
The Spherit was looking back and forth between Anen and CR, obviously
bewildered. “Tacky
mass? My mass is somehow…sticky?”
the Spherit asked perplexedly.
Anen replied, “Ah…No. Tacy, t-a-c-y… It is a prefix we use to denote that
something is related
to a c2 waveform… Tacyon mass… Tacymass… This is a term being used to
acknowledge that
your physical substance is composed of tacyon waveforms of a type that we
did not even know
could exist. Correct, CR?”
“Correct, Anen. May I thought-speak further and say—”
“Negative, CR. Not just yet—” Anen said sternly.
Anen asked, “Spherit, why will you not allow us to communicate your
existence to our
Balancing himself in the breeze with various tendril movements, the Spherit
pondered the
question momentarily and said, “You have asked me if I have a given name,
and I find that I do not know
the correct answer to the question. I also do not know from whence I have
originated, or
why I am here on your planet.
“If you suddenly awakened from a dark dream and did not know your name,
where you came
from, or where you were, would you want to rush out into the world doing
anything less than
I appear to be suffering from amnesia, possibly induced by the painful beams
sent into my being, or possibly by some other previous traumatic event.
“I simply cannot risk being beamed or otherwise affected again until I
recall exactly who and
what I am, how I arrived here, what I was doing floating in your atmosphere,
and more curiously,
I know your language? Why is this world familiar to me? It is called
is it not?”
Anen nodded, replying, “Yes, Spherit, this planet is referred to as earth,”
while wondering how
many other planets the Spherit had visited?
“Yes, the continents somehow appear right. I wonder why I recall certain
things and not
others? Why do I seem to grasp the fundamentals of flight and not recognize
the way in which
your craft flies? It appears to be powered by jet turbines, but I hear no
jet noise and see no proper storage
area for fuel? And why do I recognize the fact that your companion is a
CR, his courage returning, quickly corrected the Spherit. “I am a
Robot, sir. More
akin to an
“An android, then. But, why are you conscious…? That does not seem to fit
the overall picture I have
in my memory. Could you
try to bear with me here? Would you please try to
understand that it is not a reluctance on my part to answer any and all of
your questions, but in
essence an inability to make sense of my circumstance?”
The Spherit paused briefly. “Would you be so kind as to answer a few of my
questions? And,
please, refrain from informing your superiors of my existence, at least
until I begin to grasp who
and what I am…?”
Anen was beginning to sense the Spherit’s dilemma, but he could not help
but wonder if any of his
original fears might still hold true? Quite possibly the Spherit, as it
called itself-himself, did in
fact have some strange form of amnesia. But that did not preclude the
possibility that the
unrecalled intent of the creature might be maleficent, despite his
benevolent appearance. What if
it suddenly came to the creature that he was sent here to fulfill a purpose
that the world would not want
to see occur? In what ways would Anen be held accountable for his failure to
scrutinize the
as yet unknown motive, and the possible need to exterminate the creature
before he could act
against the earth? How much could Anen safely explain to the creature about
SP-213, about CR’s inner
workings, or about the DW world of Unition in general?
And what if the information caused
the creature to lash out against them?
From: Chapter 23 Ty Theory
“Ty is a term used to indicate either a single field of mind, as a tyfield
or mindfield, or to indicate
the integral systems of consciousness within O, as tyfields or mindfields.
All tyfields or mindfields are
said to be tied together by virtue of their intertransmissional tacyon
linkage within the spatial
void of the Omnism. Tacyonic radial tylines are ongoing between virtually
every regenerative
informational pattern in O, from wave-particles through living persons and
eleminds, to the dances
between galaxies and cosmons. These tacyonic lines are like a vast tenuous
network which
interconnects all of O under the single understanding we know as ty. Thus we
say that ty is in O,
and O is within ty, as mind is observed within reality, and as reality is
observed in mind.
“All ty systems are three-dimensionally represented in terms of orthogonal
coordinates in an xyz axis format, with the intersectional center, or origin
being designated as the so-called
projectional source of the tyfield. Two dimensionally, ty is generically
symbolized by a
cross with a longer vertical component, and usually as seen within a circle
which represents O.
Typically, ty is designated by a vertical line, or y-axis, with a shorter,
horizontal dash, or z-axis
intersection (†) with the x-axis left implied but unwritten.
“The extended vertical line is said to represent the identity function, or
so-called keel line
component of the tyfield. The horizontal dash is said to represent the
overall or peripheral view
attributed to the viewing identity function component. The implied x-axis
represents the temporal
flow of the field forward through time. The purpose of the ty symbol, as an
extension of the
three-dimensional plus symbol (+) central to the xyz coordinates, is to
allow you to sense your
own mindfield from this tiny centered cross within the midpoint of your
viewing consciousness. In
that way, you may radially project reality initially in terms of these three
components: immediate
identity, nowflow, and peripheral view.
“We generally refer to any study of tyfield phenomena as psychoinertial
mechanics, or
tymechanics. Tymechanics is the study of how the radial fieldline graphics,
or fieldpatterns
emanate into the overall spherical tyfield that surrounds our observing core
of consciousness from the
mem, or memory banks of the brain. We, as the inner observers of our own
mindfields, of course see the tyfield or mindfield as the inner space of the
inverted infinity within
the mental sphere about our memory-driven core of viewing consciousness. As
you may have
noticed by the calibration symbols we use in our stagers, the ty in O
concept is most often
symbolized by a circle with a cross in its center.”